The effectiveness of early lens extraction with intraocular lens implantation for the treatment of primary angle closure glaucoma

Secondary identifying numbers EME 09/800/26 (as of 15/07/2010, previously MRC: G0701604)
Submission date
Registration date
Last edited
Recruitment status
No longer recruiting
Overall study status
Condition category
Eye Diseases
Prospectively registered
Statistical analysis plan
Individual participant data

Plain English Summary

Not provided at time of registration

Study website

Contact information

Prof Augusto Azuara-Blanco

The Eye Clinic
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
AB25 2ZN
United Kingdom

Study information

Study designMultinational randomised controlled trial
Primary study designInterventional
Secondary study designRandomised controlled trial
Study setting(s)Hospital
Study typeTreatment
Participant information sheet Can be downloaded from
Scientific titleThe effectiveness of early lens extraction with intraocular lens implantation for the treatment of primary angle closure glaucoma: a randomised controlled trial (EAGLE)
Study acronymEAGLE (Effectiveness, in Angle-closure Glaucoma of Lens Extraction)
Study hypothesisIn patients with primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG), this study will compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of early lens extraction surgery compared with standard care (usually laser iridotomy followed by a sequence of medical therapy, laser iridoplasty and trabeculectomy).
Ethics approval(s)North of Scotland Research Ethics Committee 2, 09/10/2008, ref: 08/S0802/153
ConditionPrimary angle closure glaucoma
InterventionThe participants will be randomly allocate to the following treatments:
Intervention group: Early lens extraction with intraocular lens implantation
Control group: Standard care (usually laser iridotomy followed , as necessary, by a sequence of medical therapy, laser iridoplasty and trabeculectomy)

Total duration of follow-up: 3 years
Intervention typeProcedure/Surgery
Primary outcome measure1. Patient-centred outcome: Health Status, assessed by the EQ-5D at 6, 12, and 24 months with the major outcome assessment at 36 months from the date of randomisation
2. Clinical outcome: IOP at 3 year final assessment
3. Economic outcome: Incremental cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained with QALYs based on the responses to the EQ-5D
Secondary outcome measuresThe following will be assessed at 6, 12, and 24 months with the major outcome assessment at 36 months from the date of randomisation:

1. Patient-centred:
Patient reported, using:
1.1. A glaucoma specific utility instrument (GPI)
1.2. A vision specific health profile measure (NEI-VFQ25)

2. Clinical:
2.1. Need for trabeculectomy
2.2. Progressive visual field loss
2.3. Best-corrected visual acuity (ETDRS)
2.4. Extension of angle closure (degrees of appositional and synechial angle closure)
2.5. Escalation of therapy
2.6. Number of anti-glaucoma medications
2.7. Intolerance of medications
2.8. Incidence of acute attacks of angle closure

3. Economic:
Costs will be based on resource use data. Costs to the NHS and patients:
3.1. Use of health services for glaucoma related events or treatments
3.2. Patient costs (treatments, spectacles, travel to health services, sick leave)
3.3. Need for alternative management for glaucoma (e.g., surgery, drugs)
3.4. Other use of health services: visits to i) GP, ii) nurse, iii) optometrists
Overall study start date01/11/2008
Overall study end date31/12/2014


Participant type(s)Patient
Age groupSenior
Target number of participants400 - The trial aims to recruit half of the participants in the UK (n = 200) and the other half in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and China combined (n = 200).
Participant inclusion criteria1. Both males and females, age >=50 years
2. Diagnosis: either one of the following two types of patients: (i) primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG), or (ii) primary angle-closure (PAC) with intraocular pressure (IOP) >30 mm Hg
3. Newly diagnosed, i.e. either (i) untreated or (ii) under medical treatment for 6 months or less
4. Angle closure (iridotrabecular contact) in 180 degrees or more
5. Patient must be phakic in the affected eye(s)
6. Written informed consent obtained
Participant exclusion criteria1. Advanced glaucoma in the potentially eligible eye as determined by either: (i) visual field loss (mean deviation worse than -15dB) or (ii) cup-disc-ratio >0.9
2. Previously diagnosed acute angle closure attack in the potentially eligible eye
3. Increased surgical risk: e.g., corneal opacity, Fuch's endothelial dystrophy, pseudoexfoliation, previous vitreo-retinal surgery, not able to be positioned to undergo standard technique
4. Symptomatic cataract in either eye
5. Previous cataract surgery or laser iridotomy in study eye
6. Axial length <19 mm (nanophthalmos)
7. Secondary angle closure glaucoma
8. History of retinal ischaemia, macular oedema or wet age-related macular degeneration
9. Medically unfit for surgery or for completion of the trial

Removed from the protocol as of 04/11/10:
10. Life expectancy <3 years
Recruitment start date01/11/2008
Recruitment end date31/12/2014


Countries of recruitment

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Malaysia
  • Scotland
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
AB25 2ZN
United Kingdom

Sponsor information

NHS Grampian

Research and Development Office
Foresterhill House Annexe
AB25 2ZB
United Kingdom

University of Aberdeen

Polwarth Building
AB25 2ZD
United Kingdom



Funder type

Research council

Medical Research Council (MRC) (UK)
Government organisation / National government
Alternative name(s)
Medical Research Council (United Kingdom), UK Medical Research Council, MRC
United Kingdom

Results and Publications

Intention to publish date
Individual participant data (IPD) Intention to shareNo
IPD sharing plan summaryNot provided at time of registration
Publication and dissemination planNot provided at time of registration
IPD sharing plan

Study outputs

Output type Details Date created Date added Peer reviewed? Patient-facing?
Results article results 23/05/2011 Yes No
Results article results 01/10/2016 Yes No
Other publications economic evaluation 13/01/2017 Yes No

Editorial Notes

16/01/2017: Publication reference added.

07/10/2016: Publication reference added.

18/04/2013: The overall trial end date was changed from 31/01/2014 to 31/12/2014.

04/11/2010: Taiwan was removed and China and Malaysia were added to the countries of recruitment. EAGLE was also transferred from MRC to the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme for post-award management on the 15/07/2010.

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