Secondary identifying numbers 19040
Submission date
Registration date
Last edited
Recruitment status
No longer recruiting
Overall study status
Condition category
Mental and Behavioural Disorders
Prospectively registered
Statistical analysis plan
Individual participant data
Record updated in last year

Plain English Summary

Plain English summary under review

Contact information

Dr Heather Law

Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Psychology Department
Prestwich Hospital
Bury New Road
Greater Manchester
M25 3BL
United Kingdom

Study information

Study designRandomised; Interventional; Design type: Treatment
Primary study designInterventional
Secondary study designRandomised controlled trial
Study setting(s)Other
Study typeTreatment
Participant information sheet Not available in web format, please use contact details to request a participant information sheet
Scientific titleCognitive behavioural therapy in comparison to treatment as usual in adults at high risk of developing bipolar disorder (Bipolar At Risk): a feasibility study
Study acronymBART
Study hypothesisBipolar Disorder (BD) affects around 1% of the population. 1.14 million people met criteria for this condition in 2007. The World Health Organisation has identified BD as one of the main reasons for loss of life and health in 15–44 year olds, with a diagnosis of BD increasing the rate of suicide above the general population rate by 20-30 times. There is poor recognition of the disorder, especially in the early stages. People often experience misdiagnosis which causes frustration and disenchantment with services. Misdiagnosis can also lead to incorrect treatment which can make people's difficulties worse. BD also has financial costs; it is thought that the cost of BD in the UK for 2007 was £5.2 billion and likely to rise to £8.2 billion per year by 2026. People who experience symptoms of high and low mood and meet criteria for Bipolar At Risk (BAR) are considered to be at high risk of developing a full episode of BD. If these individuals are detected then interventions aimed at reducing these symptoms and associated distress may reduce the chance of a future full blown episode of BD. Early intervention for psychosis services have been successfully established throughout England. Extending early intervention to other mental health problems such as BD would be a major step forward in preventing long term problems and their associated distress, disability and financial burden. The importance of developing interventions with a focus on health promotion and preventative interventions has long been recognised. However, evidence is required to test what treatments might best help this group. This study provides an investigation of a specific psychological intervention. This work fits with recent policy developments such as the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme for those with severe and enduring mental illness.
Ethics approval(s)15/NW/0336
ConditionTopic: Mental Health; Subtopic: Bipolar affective disorder; Disease: Bipolar affective disorder
InterventionThe Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) intervention will use a specific cognitive model of mood swings. The model proposes that people hold a range of extreme and contradictory beliefs concerning their mood and other internal states (e.g. energy levels). The specific interventions are dependent on the individual formulation, but the range of permissible interventions will be described in our manual. Up to 25 sessions will be delivered over the 6 month treatment envelope.
Follow Up Length: 12 month(s); Study Entry : Single Randomisation only
Intervention typeOther
Primary outcome measureConversion to mania (SCID); Timepoint(s): 6 months, 12 months
Secondary outcome measures1. Beck Depression Inventory; Timepoint(s): 6 months,12 months
2. EPQ adapted; Timepoint(s): 6 months, 12 months
3. Global Assessment of Functioning scale; Timepoint(s): 6 months, 12 months
4. Health Status (EQ-5D); Timepoint(s): 6 months, 12 months
5. Hypomanic Attitudes and Positive Predictions Inventory; Timepoint(s): 6 months, 12 months
6. Internal States Scale; Timepoint(s): 6 months, 12 months
7. World Health Organisation Quality of Life; Timepoint(s): 6 months,12 months
8. Young Mania Rating Scale; Timepoint(s): 6 months,12 months
Overall study start date01/06/2015
Overall study end date01/12/2016


Participant type(s)Patient
Age groupAdult
Target number of participantsPlanned Sample Size: 76; UK Sample Size: 76; Description: A target recruitment of 76 (38 per condition) would allow for a drop out rate of 20%.
Total final enrolment76
Participant inclusion criteria1. Age 16-25 years old
2. Meet criteria for one of the following Bipolar At Risk (BAR) criteria:
2.1. Group I: Subthreshold mania (Young Mania Rating Scale total score between 5 and 15 + elevated mood = 2 + irritability = 2 for at least 4 days)
2.2. Group II: Depression + Cyclothymia: mild depressive symptoms (BDI-II >20 for at least 1 week) + diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder or bipolar disorder NOS as assessed by SCID I
2.3. Group III: Depression + genetic risk: mild depressive symptoms (BDI-II >20 for at least 1 week) + genetic risk (first degree relative with bipolar disorder)
3. Help seeking
4. Competent and willing to provide written, informed consent
Participant exclusion criteria1. Past history of a treated or untreated manic episode or psychosis of one week duration or longer
2. Past treatment with a mood stabiliser for longer than 6 weeks or antipsychotic for 3 weeks (equals 15 mg per week of haloperidol or equivalent)
3. Moderate to severe learning disability
4. Organic brain disorder
5. Non-english speaking (this would prevent the use of standardised assessment instruments) .
6. Inpatient/acute psychiatric care needed
7. Substance dependency
Recruitment start date01/06/2015
Recruitment end date01/12/2016


Countries of recruitment

  • England
  • United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Psychology Department
Prestwich Hospital
Bury New Road
Greater Manchester
M25 3BL
United Kingdom

Sponsor information

Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Hospital/treatment centre

Psychology Department
Prestwich Hospital
Bury New Road Prestwich
Greater Manchester
M25 3BL
United Kingdom


Funder type


National Institute for Health Research
Government organisation / National government
Alternative name(s)
National Institute for Health Research, NIHR Research, NIHRresearch, NIHR - National Institute for Health Research, NIHR (The National Institute for Health and Care Research), NIHR
United Kingdom

Results and Publications

Intention to publish date
Individual participant data (IPD) Intention to shareNo
IPD sharing plan summaryNot provided at time of registration
Publication and dissemination planNot provided at time of registration
IPD sharing planNot provided at time of registration

Study outputs

Output type Details Date created Date added Peer reviewed? Patient-facing?
Other publications qualitative investigation of participant experiences 16/10/2021 29/10/2021 Yes No
HRA research summary 28/06/2023 No No

Editorial Notes

29/10/2021: The following changes have been made:
1. Publication reference added.
2. The total final enrolment number has been added from the reference.

Springer Nature