When to induce labour to limit risk in pregnancy hypertension

DOI https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN77258279
Secondary identifying numbers 252294; HTA 16/167/123
Submission date
Registration date
Last edited
Recruitment status
No longer recruiting
Overall study status
Condition category
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Prospectively registered
Statistical analysis plan
Individual participant data

Plain English Summary

Background and study aims
This study is looking to enrol pregnant women who have high blood pressure (hypertension) during their pregnancy. High blood pressure increases the risk of harm to the mother and to her baby, and the study is being conducted to see when it is best to deliver the baby in order to minimise this risk as much as possible. In the UK, up to 55,000 pregnant women each year have high blood pressure during their pregnancies. It is not known whether delivery should be started before the onset of spontaneous labour that usually occurs at term, defined as 37-42 weeks (within which is the ‘due date’ of 40 weeks of pregnancy). Early planned delivery at term (at 37-38 weeks) may reduce stillbirth and complications for the mother, such as separation of the placenta from the wall of the womb, or development of pre-eclampsia, a more concerning form of high blood pressure that is associated with protein in the urine or other problems for mothers and babies and possibly Caesarean delivery. However, early planned delivery at term may also cause harm, including newborn health problems such as breathing or other difficulties that may require the baby to need care in a newborn unit. This study is looking at the experiences of 1,080 pregnant women with hypertension who have been pregnant for at least 36 to 37 weeks to see if delivering their baby between 38 weeks plus zero days to 38 weeks plus 3 days gives a better outcome for the mother and her baby than does waiting for at least 40 weeks for the women to deliver. At the moment there is no conclusive evidence to say which delivery time is best. Different doctors do different things and this is why this study is needed.

Who can participate?
Women aged 16 years and over who are 36 to 37 weeks pregnant and have hypertension

What does the study involve?
Participants are randomly allocated to planned birth at 38 weeks, or planned observation of pregnancy until at least 40 weeks (unless an indication for birth develops). The research midwife contacts participants weekly until the birth. Before leaving hospital after birth, participants are asked to complete a two-page questionnaire about their experience of childbirth. At 6 weeks after birth, they are sent a very brief online questionnaire via a text message, to find out about any serious problems that the mothers or babies may have experienced since leaving hospital after birth. There is support throughout from dedicated research midwives.

What are the possible benefits and risks of participating?
Mothers and babies are closely monitored. The knowledge gained from this research might in the future benefit many, many women with high blood pressure in pregnancy. The study involves no new interventions and has no added risks to the mother or baby; instead, the study measures risk.

Where is the study run from?
1. Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (UK)
2. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (UK)
3. Liverpool Women’s Hospital (UK)
4. Birmingham Women’s Hospital (UK)
5. West Middlesex Hospital (UK)
6. Croydon University Hospital (UK)
7. Leicester Royal Infirmary (UK)
8. Nottingham City Hospital (UK)
9. Queen’s Medical Centre (UK)
10. Princess Anne Hospital (UK)
11. St Mary’s Hospital (UK)
12. Poole Hospital (UK)
13. Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (UK)
14. York Hospital (UK)
15. Singleton Hospital (UK)
16. North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (UK)
17. Royal United Hospital, Bath (UK)
18. South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UK)

When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for?
June 2018 to January 2024

Who is funding the study?
NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme (UK)

Who is the main contact?
Katie Kirkham

Study website

Contact information

Ms Katie Kirkham

Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU)
Institute of Applied Health Research
Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom

Phone +44 (0)1214159109
Email will@trials.bham.ac.uk

Study information

Study designOpen-label interventional multicentre non-blinded study
Primary study designInterventional
Secondary study designRandomised controlled trial
Study setting(s)Hospital
Study typePrevention
Participant information sheet https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/bctu/trials/womens/will/investigators/documentation
Scientific titleWhen to Induce Labour to Limit risk in pregnancy hypertension - a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial in women with chronic or gestational hypertension
Study acronymWILL
Study hypothesisEarlier delivery at term may be beneficial to women with chronic or gestational hypertension, without increasing risk to babies or caesarean delivery.

The trial will investigate the clinical effectiveness and cost-consequences of planned early term delivery at 38+0 to 38+3 weeks gestation, compared with expectant care at term until at least 40+0 weeks gestation.
Ethics approval(s)Approved 10/01/2019, London - Fulham Research Ethics Committee (Barlow House, 3rd Floor, 4 Minshull Street, Manchester, M1 3DZ, Tel: +44 (0)207 104 8021; Email: nrescommittee.london-fulham@nhs.net), REC ref: 18/LO/2033, Protocol number: 252294, IRAS project ID: 252294
ConditionChronic or gestational hypertension that develops by 37+6 weeks gestation
InterventionCurrent interventions as of 07/07/2023:
Randomisation will be provided through a bespoke database provided by BCTU.
1. Planned early-term delivery at 38+0 to 38+3 weeks by labour induction (local protocol) or elective Caesarean (if previously indicated)
2. Usual care at term until, with maternal and fetal monitoring (local protocol), awaiting spontaneous labour or delivery indicated by clinical need (e.g., refractory severe hypertension or pre-eclampsia)

Follow-up: 31/11/2018 to 31/01/2023.

Previous interventions:
Randomisation will be provided through a bespoke database provided by BCTU.

1. Planned early-term delivery at 38+0 to 38+3 weeks by labour induction (local protocol) or elective Caesarean (if previously indicated)
2. Expectant care at term until at least 40+0 weeks, with maternal and fetal monitoring (local protocol), awaiting spontaneous labour or delivery indicated by clinical need (e.g., refractory severe hypertension or pre-eclampsia)

Follow-up: 31/11/2018 to 20/04/2022.
Intervention typeProcedure/Surgery
Primary outcome measure1. Maternal co-primary outcome: Composite of poor maternal outcome until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after delivery birth (whichever is earlier), defined as:
1.1. Severe hypertension (i.e., systolic BP (sBP) ≥160 or diastolic BP ≥110mmHg); or
1.2. Maternal death; or
1.3. Maternal morbidity defined as any of the following: GCS<13; stroke; TIA; eclampsia; blindness; uncontrolled hypertension; inotropic support; pulmonary oedema; respiratory failure; SpO2 <90%; myocardial ischaemia or infarction; hepatic dysfunction, hepatic haematoma or rupture; acute kidney injury or dialysis; platelet count <50x109/L; transfusion; or placental abruption. These were adapted from a Delphi consensus in hypertensive pregnancy.
Measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
2. Neonatal co-primary outcome: Neonatal care unit admission for ≥ 4 hours, measured by review of maternity or neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after delivery birth (whichever is earlier)
Secondary outcome measuresMaternal:
1. Caesarean delivery, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
2. Instrumental vaginal delivery or Caesarean delivery (vs. spontaneous vaginal delivery), measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
3. Individual components of maternal co-primary outcome, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
4. Elevated liver enzymes, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
5. Platelet count <100x109/L, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
6. Pre-eclampsia, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
7. Sepsis, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
8. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
9. Intensive care unit (ITU) admission, measured by review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)

Potential co-interventions (only among women randomised):
1. Antihypertensive therapy taken, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records ntil uprimary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
2. Magnesium sulphate, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
3. Bedrest at home, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
4. Use of home BP monitoring, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
5. Maternal blood/urine testing at lab before delivery admission, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
6. Office/clinic visits, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
7. Obstetrical day unit visits, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
8. Acute care visits, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
9. Antenatal admissions, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
10. Fetal cardiotocography, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
11. Fetal ultrasound, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth

1. Clinical indications for delivery in the expectant care arm, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records after randomisation before birth
2. Maternal satisfaction, measured using Childbirth Experience Questionnaire 2.0 until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
3. ‘Poor maternal outcome’‡, measured using review of maternity notes/electronic records and postpartum questionnaire at 6 weeks after birth
4. Infection of the Caesarean wound, episiotomy or vaginal tear, as applicable‡, measured using postpartum questionnaire at 6 weeks after birth

1. Neonatal care unit admission, measured using review of maternity or neonatal notes/electronic records and 6 week postpartum questionnaire until 28 days after birth
2. Indication for neonatal care unit admission ≥ 4 hours, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
3. Respiratory morbidity, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
4. Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
5. Sepsis, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
6. Major operation, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
7. Intra-uterine fetal death, assessed by ultrasound doppler antepartum and lack of vital signs at birth
8. Neonatal death, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
9. Breastfeeding established, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)
10. Exclusive breastfeeding, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)

Health Economics
Cost-consequence analysis from NHS perspective, measured using review of neonatal notes/electronic records for individual-level data until primary hospital discharge home or 28 days after birth (whichever is earlier)

‡ Only among women randomised
Overall study start date01/06/2018
Overall study end date31/01/2024


Participant type(s)Patient
Age groupAdult
Lower age limit18 Years
Target number of participants1080
Total final enrolment403
Participant inclusion criteria1. Maternal age ≥16 years
2. Diagnosis of chronic or gestational hypertension
3. Singleton pregnancy
4. Live fetus
5. Gestational age of 36+0 to 37+6 weeks
6. Able to give written informed consent to participate
Participant exclusion criteria1. Contraindication to either one of the trial arms (e.g., evidence of pre-eclampsia)
2. Severe hypertension [i.e., blood pressure (BP) ≥160mmHg systolic or ≥110mmHg diastolic] until BP falls below this level (i.e. it is ‘controlled’)
3. Major fetal anomaly anticipated to require neonatal unit admission
4. Participation in another timing of delivery trial
NOTE: Women with co-morbidities (e.g., diabetes) and fetal size will not be exclusion criteria
Recruitment start date03/06/2019
Recruitment end date30/04/2022


Countries of recruitment

  • England
  • Scotland
  • United Kingdom
  • Wales

Study participating centres

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
R&D Department 16th Floor, Tower Wing
Great Maze Pond
United Kingdom
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
United Kingdom
Liverpool Women’s Hospital
Crown St
L8 7SS
United Kingdom
Birmingham Women’s Hospital
Mindlesohn Way
B15 2TG
United Kingdom
West Middlesex Hospital
Twickenham Rd
United Kingdom
Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road
United Kingdom
Leicester Royal Infirmary
Infirmary Square
United Kingdom
Nottingham City Hospital
Hucknall Rd
United Kingdom
Queen’s Medical Centre
Derby Road
United Kingdom
Princess Anne Hospital
Coxford Rd
SO16 5YA
United Kingdom
St Mary's Hospital
Oxford Road
M13 9WL
United Kingdom
Poole Hospital
St Mary's Rd
BH15 2BH
United Kingdom
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Colney Ln
United Kingdom
York Hospital
Wigginton Rd
YO31 8HE
United Kingdom
Singleton Hospital
Sketty Ln
United Kingdom
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
Parkway Hinchingbrooke
PE29 6NT
United Kingdom
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
Edith Cavell Campus
Bretton Gate
United Kingdom
Royal United Hospital
Combe Park
United Kingdom
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
James Cook Hospital
Marton Rd
United Kingdom

Sponsor information

King's College London

Room 5.31, James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
United Kingdom

Website http://www.kcl.ac.uk/index.aspx
ROR logo "ROR" https://ror.org/0220mzb33
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Hospital/treatment centre

R&D Department
16th Floor, Tower Wing
Great Maze Pond
United Kingdom

Phone +44 (0)20 7188 7188; Int: 54462
Email R&D@gstt.nhs.uk
Website http://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/Home.aspx
ROR logo "ROR" https://ror.org/00j161312


Funder type


Health Technology Assessment Programme
Government organisation / National government
Alternative name(s)
NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme, HTA
United Kingdom

Results and Publications

Intention to publish date31/01/2024
Individual participant data (IPD) Intention to shareYes
IPD sharing plan summaryAvailable on request
Publication and dissemination planResults of this trial will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. The manuscript will be prepared by the TMG; all contributors to the trial will be listed, with their contribution identified and specifically, all collaborating site teams will be listed in an Appendix as the ‘WILL Study Group’. Abstracts will be submitted to international medical congresses. Trial participants will be able to access the final results of the trial via the trial website. All publications/presentations that use data from this trial to undertake original analyses will be submitted to the Funders for review before release; these must be submitted in a timely fashion and in advance of being submitted for publication, to allow time for review and resolution of any outstanding issues.
On all publications, the authors must acknowledge that the trial was: (i) performed with the support of The UofB BCTU, King’s College London, and Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation NHS Trust; and (ii) funded by the NIHR. To safeguard the scientific integrity of the trial, data from this trial will not be presented in public
IPD sharing planThe datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are/will be available upon request from Laura Magee (laura.a.magee@kcl.ac.uk), anonymised data will be shared at the end of the trial.

Study outputs

Output type Details Date created Date added Peer reviewed? Patient-facing?
Other publications Adaptations to trial during COVID pandemic 21/10/2022 24/10/2022 Yes No
HRA research summary 28/06/2023 No No
Protocol article 03/04/2023 30/05/2024 Yes No
Results article 26/11/2024 28/11/2024 Yes No

Editorial Notes

28/11/2024: Publication reference added.
30/05/2024: The following changes were made to the study record:
1. Study website, participant information sheet, publication reference and IPD sharing plan added.
2. Scotland added to the countries of recruitment.
07/07/2023: The intention to publish date was changed from 31/07/2023 to 31/01/2024. The interventions were updated. Total final enrolment added.
28/04/2023: Internal review.
24/10/2022: Publication reference added.
01/04/2022: The overall trial end date has been changed from 30/04/2022 to 31/01/2024 and the plain English summary has been updated accordingly.
21/09/2021: Internal review.
13/07/2020: The recruitment resumed.
12/06/2020: Contact details updated.
20/04/2020: Due to current public health guidance, recruitment for this study has been paused.
07/10/2019: Trial participating centre added.
16/09/2019: Trial participating centre added.
12/09/2019: Trial participating centres added.
29/08/2019: Trial participating centre added.
28/08/2019: Trial participating centres added.
02/08/2019: Trial participating centre added.
17/07/2019: Trial participating centres added.
18/06/2019: Trial participating centres added.
05/06/2019: The following changes were made to the trial record:
1. The recruitment start date was changed from 01/01/2019 to 03/06/2019.
2. Trial participating centre and ethics approval details added.

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