Clinical acceptability study in patients suffering from acute hemorrhoidal disease comparing micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) 1000 mg tablet, to MPFF 500 mg tablet

Secondary identifying numbers CL3-05682-108
Submission date
Registration date
Last edited
Recruitment status
No longer recruiting
Overall study status
Condition category
Circulatory System
Prospectively registered
Statistical analysis plan
Individual participant data

Plain English Summary

Not provided at time of registration and not expected to be available in the future

Contact information

Prof Yury Shelygin

Federal State Institution 'State Scientific Center of Coloproctology' of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
2, Salyama Adilya Street
Russian Federation


Study information

Study designInternational multicenter double-blind randomized parallel-group study
Primary study designInterventional
Secondary study designRandomised controlled trial
Study setting(s)Hospital
Study typeTreatment
Participant information sheet Not available in web format, please use the contact details below to request a patient information sheet
Scientific titleClinical acceptability study of micronized purified flavonoid fraction 1000 mg tablets and micronized purified flavonoid fraction 500 mg tablets after 7 days of treatment followed by a follow-up period of 7 days in patients suffering from acute hemorroidal disease (HD)
Study hypothesisTo demonstrate the clinical acceptability of MPFF 1000 mg and MPFF 500 mg tablets in patients suffering from hemorrhoidal disease during a 7-day treatment period, followed by follow-up period of 7 days.
Ethics approval(s)Ethics approval was obtained before recruitment of the first participants
ConditionHemorrhoidal disease
InterventionAll participants will receive 3 g/day of MPFF during 4 days and 2 g/day of MPFF during the 3 following days. Participants will be randomly allocated to receive this dose in the form of either 500 mg tablets or 1000 mg tablets. After the 7 days of treatment there will be a follow-up period of 7 days
Intervention typeOther
Primary outcome measureSafety (clinical acceptability) assessed at each visit (day 0, day 7, day 14). Safety assessment takes into account adverse events, weight, sitting blood pressure and heart rate, bleeding cessation evaluation by a 4-point scale, pain evaluation by Visual Analog Scale and laboratory examination
Secondary outcome measuresN/A
Overall study start date16/12/2013
Overall study end date13/06/2014


Participant type(s)Patient
Age groupOther
Target number of participants150
Participant inclusion criteria1. Male or female patient aged 18 to 75 years old (inclusive)
2. Out-patient
3. Suffering from acute and non-complicated hemorrhoidal episode (acute pain with oedema assessed by a Visual Analog Scale and/or bleeding assessed by a 4-point scale)
Participant exclusion criteria1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding or possibility of becoming pregnant
2. Complicated hemorrhoidal disease (requiring surgery, stage IV prolapsed hemorrhoids, anal fissure, associated infection), patients presenting other anal bleeding pathologies
3. Laser therapy, anal surgery, canal radiation before inclusion
Recruitment start date16/12/2013
Recruitment end date13/06/2014


Countries of recruitment

  • Russian Federation
  • Serbia

Study participating centre

Federal State Institution 'State Scientific Center of Coloproctology' of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
Russian Federation

Sponsor information

Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier (France)

50 rue Carnot

ROR logo "ROR"


Funder type


Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier (France)

No information available

Results and Publications

Intention to publish date
Individual participant data (IPD) Intention to shareYes
IPD sharing plan summaryAvailable on request
Publication and dissemination planCurrent version as of 28/03/2018:
Summary results are published in
For interventional Phase III studies ending after the 1st January 2014, the results are/will be published in scientific literature.

IPD sharing plan: The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study will be available upon request from if a Marketing Authorisation has been granted after 1st January 2014.

Previous version as of 24/01/2018:
Publication plan:
All phases - Interventional studies ending before 01/10/2018: Summary results will be published on within 12 months after the end of the study.
All phases - Interventional studies ending after 01/10/2018: Summary results and a lay summary will be published on within 12 months after the end of the study.
Phase 3 only - The results will be published in scientific literature within 18 months after the end of the study.
IPD sharing planThe datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study will be available upon request from if a Marketing Authorisation has been granted after 2014.

Study outputs

Output type Details Date created Date added Peer reviewed? Patient-facing?
Basic results No No
Results article results 01/11/2016 Yes No

Editorial Notes

18/04/2018: Internal review
28/03/2018: The publication and dissemination plan has been changed.
19/12/2017: publication reference added.
04/12/2017: results summary added.
09/05/2017: contact email address added.
03/07/2014: the anticipated end date was changed from 15/07/2014 to 13/06/2014.

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